Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Internet Cafe

Oh! How I hate coming to the internet cafe shop to do my business. At least free drinks are served tea, soft drinks & flavored coffee. Well, I must endure it for another month. I will get up outta here, travel the oceans 17hrs flight time to visit my family in the USA in May. It will be nice & warm. Love Florida Sunshine. In Japan its a holiday called Golden Week. Then I will get me a smaller notebook which is what Ive always wanted. It weighs less than 2kg thats 2.2lbs for all you pound thinkers.

Its Sumo tournament time! Yes! I went to get a peek at the Big guys. I took lots of pics but cant get them downloaded on this public PC. (frown)
Also big NEWS JAPAN BASEBALL WORLD Champions! OH what a lotta of noise here. They are so happy and so much pride showing. Now, they think 'dey da bomb'! Lost to Korea 2 times and Ichiro said, "there is no way we'd lose 3 times." Japan had to win! If they didn't Ichiro would have had to eat his words & bear the embarrassment. If it were old Japan he'd have to do Harikiri, knife in the stomach or Samurai beheading or just hang himself.
Korea let their guard down and got busted! So much rivalry between the Asian countries. However, there were no riots or vandalism here. All were good sportsmen. Can I say that? "sportsmen?" everyone so PC now and others get offended over anything.

In Japan the school year is April to March. Yes, yearly school. Now, the end of the year is approaching Im planning to relax, rest & do split training. However, the break is only 2weeks Arpil 24 to May 10 then the new school year starts. I wish I didnt have to work. I wish training was my job. But for now, I gotta do what I gotta do & I love teaching.

Here is a usual 2wk schedule of what I do after an 8hour work day. I train on a 2wk schedule starting on Sunday.

Week 1
Thurs-teach private adults

Week 2
Sat-teach private adults/kids

next blog when I can get to a freekin cafe...

Tuesday, March 07, 2006


I will not be able to post often
Hello ALLMy PC has died and went to computer heaven. Harddrive is dead.
I will not be online in messenger until I get a new one after May 15.

So, until then I am stuck visiting the cafe. You can leave me messages here from my group page http://health.groups.yahoo.com/group/TheOfficialFionnaMsFlexgroup/.

I will check and respond when I can.
Dont miss me too much.Keep checking for updates!